August 2020 Newsletter

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educate | enrich | inspire

Classes Begin Monday, August 17!

Registration for the 20/21 season is now open! Check out the website for more information. If you have questions about placement or policies please feel free to reach out.

Policy Reminders

Families will be enrolled in autopay, which is run on the first business day of each month. There is a $15 monthly tuition discount for each additional student from the same family. The tuition discount for boys is 50% per month. Check out the Tuition and Fees page on our website for more details.

Dress Code:
The Children’s Ballet’s dress code is designed to encourage cooperation and discipline among its students. Instructors are also able to see the body’s form to ensure that the dancer is moving safely and correctly. A dancer should focus on developing technique and artistry without distraction of loose or cumbersome clothing. Ballet shoes and leotards are available to borrow from the studio — feel free to ask your instructor.

Shop our online store to order uniforms and have them shipped to you before classes begin. The studio will be open today (Saturday, August 1) from 3:00 until 6:00 pm to try on leotards and shoes.

>> Hair is to be worn in a bun (or securely pulled back from face if student has short hair). Three reasons! 1) safety. Turning requires spotting; if a dancer is spotting his/her hair will whip them in the face and possibly cut their eye. 2) distraction. Dancers who do not have hair secured are temped to play with it, take it up, down, re-fix over and over through class. Instead of focused on what the teacher is saying, they are playing with their hair. 3) discipline. Part of the study of ballet is respect for the disciplines that come with it. As a child begins to study ballet, discipline is one of our foundational elements as they prepare for class.

Additional Health and Safety Guidelines:

  • Anyone over 8 years old entering the studio building will need a face covering. Students will be allowed to remove their face covering once they are appropriately spaced in the classroom to begin dancing. Teaching staff will be wearing face coverings during auditions and classes.
  • We’ve made some updates to our HVAC system, and added a new Carrier OptiClean Air Scrubber that will clean the air and promote a healthy indoor environment. We are very thankful to have this in addition to our enhanced cleaning procedures. For more information on the Carrier OptiClean Air Scrubber follow this link:
  • Instructors will only be giving visual demonstrations and verbal directions instead of physical ones.
  • Colored markers on the floor will be used for spacing dancers.
  • All barres and bathroom surfaces are disinfected after each class.

Hand sanitizer and disposable masks are available at the entrance to the studio.

Illness Policy:

For the safety of everyone, it is important that families screen their children before sending them to dance class and keep them home if they are ill or have a fever. A good rule of thumb is to keep children (who attend school) home from dance class if they were home from school.

Students and staff are required to be fever-free for 72 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to the studio.

Reporting COVID-19 positive tests: All students and staff are asked to report a positive COVID-19 test to The Children’s Ballet immediately. When the school receives notice of a confirmed COVID-19 case, we will contact the Hendricks County Health Department for updated guidance and follow their recommendations. The Children’s Ballet will also notify families of a positive COVID-19 case within the student body or teaching staff. For COVID-19 symptom details, please visit the CDC website:

All policies are subject to change. 


In Miss Emily’s classes this month, we will learn how to hold our hands and a few of the basic feet positions. We
will also work on muscle memory and basic movement skills. Our featured music is Pachabel’s Canon in D.


Plié (plee ay) – means bent, bending – of the knee or knees.


August 1: Back to School at the studio 3-6pm (leotard and shoe sizing event)

August 8: A screening of A Princess’s Wish at The Royal

August 16: Meet the Teacher night at the Studio 5-7pm

September 1: Tuition Due

September 7: Closed for Labor Day


Labor Day :: September 7

Thanksgiving Break :: November 26-28

Christmas Break :: December 19-January 3

Spring Break :: March 29-April 3

For weather cancellations, we follow the Danville Community School Corporation on school days. Saturday class cancellations will be communicated by email/text. All closures will be announced via social media as well.


Nutcracker :: December 18-20

Spring Performance :: end of May 2021

  • water bottle
  • ballet shoes
  • hair ties and bobby pins
  • hair brush
  • extra tights


The Children’s Ballet is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing high-quality dance instruction while instilling in students self-discipline, dedication, positive self-esteem, and an appreciation for the art of dance. We value and nurture each student’s unique gifts of talent and creativity in a safe studio environment in order to educate, enrich, and inspire.

To inspire our community through accessible
dance education and engaging performances
The Children’s Ballet
51 S Tennessee Street
Danville, IN 46122
Copyright © 2020 The Children’s Ballet, All rights reserved.

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