April 2020 Newsletter

educate | enrich | inspire
You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart.

While I dance I can not judge, I can not hate, I can not separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole. This is why I dance. –Hans Bos

April has us out of the studio, but we look forward to filling our homes with dance! Thank you for sticking with us during this time, and please let us know how we can help you.

Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.

April Online Classes

Starting April 6th, all classes will move to the virtual studio using Zoom. We will be offering live classes (and will record and post here so you can dance to your heart’s content), exclusive online content, performance choreography videos, and additional resources for intermediate and advanced dancers. Check your email for your specific Zoom class time!

Zoom is a free app you can download to your phone, tablet, or computer to access a live and interactive ballet class from your child’s instructor. You will be emailed a link and code to click on to join the class.

If you’d like to use your phone or tablet, you can download the app through your Google Playstore or Apple App Store. If you are using your computer, you can download here: https://zoom.us/signup. You will need to have this app in order to participate in the class. This allows everyone to see each other and the teacher to answer any questions you have while also ensuring you are dancing safely and correctly.

Our teachers are adapting their lesson plans for this new format, and are excited to continue dancing with you! We know there will be a learning curve for the first week, but our goal is to provide you with the same level of high-quality ballet instruction you are used to. We are thankful for technology that allows us to do that, and allows your dancer to continue their ballet education while they are at home.

For barre work: A counter or chair will work. Want to build your own barre? Click here for instructions on building an easy and inexpensive barre at home.

What to wear: We recommend a leotard and tights, but dancers can wear whatever is comfortable to move in. Please avoid bike/running shorts (because your teacher can see you at home) and baggy pants (because your teacher can’t offer any corrections without seeing your legs). Typical dance shoes are best.

Pointe Students: Please do not practice pointe at home unless you have been on pointe for more than two years. If you do, be very careful about what surface you dance (a cardboard box does pretty well). Limit steps to balances and anything on two feet to avoid injury. Play it safe!

Swan Lake

Our school trip to see Swan Lake has been cancelled, unfortunately, but we are continuing our study of this iconic ballet through the month of April.

Here’s a performance video to watch (Miss Emily’s favorite version). American Ballet Theatre, Swan Lake, 2005 starring Gillian Murphy and Angel Corella

We recommend the whole thing of course, but have listed some story highlights below.
Landmarks to make sure to watch:

  • Entrance of Queen/The Queen’s Directive: 12:11
  • Odette’s Entrance: 34:00
  • Siegfried and Odette meet: 34:40
  • Entrance of the Swans: 38:40
  • The Four Little Swans: 52:30
  • Princess at the Ball: 1:08:00
  • Odile’s Entrance: 1:26:00
  • 32 Fouettes: 1:35:00
  • A Wrong Promise: 1:37:05
  • Conclusion: 1:40:00-end


We know you want to know the plan, and we wish we could tell you all the details for certain. One thing is sure–we will be having a performance. When it is safe to go back to the studio, we will. When it is safe to have an audience for our performances, we will. Right now we are planning for tech week and the performances as scheduled so we are prepared, but we know that may change. Please check the website for all of the latest information. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented situation.

Stay home, stay well, and keep dancing!